Cognitive Science Spring 2024 Face-to-Face Course

Southern Arkansas Magnolia / Modified: 2024-04-30 8:31 PM CDST

Questions? E-mail me at FYI, I answer promptly between 8 am and 8 pm daily (longer on weekends).

AI's Explosion? is this year's theme

  • Every year I pick a technological theme for the course. This year it's the explosion of AI. There will be test questions on the theme of AI' Explosion. There will be resources for you to examine in the table below.

AI Hyperrealism

AI Image Generation

Google Image FX

AI Text Generation

AI and Education AI in Military Usage

AI Takeover

Conscious AI is the Second Scariest Kind Deep Mind/Geometry

Student submitted topic


History of Cognitive Science Course at SAU

This page is a another redesign of my old CS pages. The last version was inspired by a textbook proposal I made and by the reviews I received from it. The main change then was to spend the first part of the course learning about the various disciplines that led to cognitive science (CS). This current version will use the first portions of last year's page, but will revert back to Applied Cognitive Science for the second half of the course. Because CS has many parents it is important to understand the forces that led to its creation. After, we will spend time looking at CS's applied areas (e.g., vision, interfaces, e-commerce, language, hypermedia & multimedia, usability, and encryption). job site, found 3,089 hits for "AI" jobs.
I will teach this course using online materials. There will be five tests on BlackBoard. The tests will be open notes and you may search online resources as well. The tests will not be timed and will be open until very near the end of the semester. However, it would be a mistake on your part to delay taking them until then. I will drop your lowest score.

As promised in class Thursday, here are your instructions for signing up for student presentations.Choose from: Vision, Interfaces, E-Commerce, Hypermedia/Multimedia, Usability, Encryption and Privacy, AI and CS.

Email me your top three choices STARTING Monday, March 11 at 7 PM CDST. DO NOT email before 7 PM. Those will move to the back of the line.

indicates module is ready for use in 2024)
Links after Social Science will be available later






Introduction to Cognitive Science*

Read Nuñez (2019) in Bb summary

Kardas Introduction


Psychology and CS*


Kardas Psychology


Biology and CS* Kardas

Biology (Test 1)

Test opens Monday 1/29/2024 at 9 am


Language/Linguistics and CS* Kardas Language & Linguistics


Philosophy and CS*
Kardas Philosophy


Computer Science and CS* Kardas Computer Science


Social Science and CS* Kardas Social Science (Test 2)
Test opens Monday 3/11/2024 at 9 am
  This is the point where we move into the applied areas of CS



<--Please watch the six Videos



AI Explosion

3/25 Vision* Kardas 3/28

Logan/Henderson/Martin/Carr 3/26

PDF version



Drop Day is 3 April

Kardas (4/4)

Rooney/Reeves/Dumas 4/2 (Test 3)
Test opens Wednesday 4/3/2024 at 9 am

4/8 E-commerce*
Kardas (4/11) Peake/Evans/Rutan (4/9)



Kardas (4/18) Brakeman/Thomas/Ballenger (4/16) (Test 4)
Test opens Monday 4/15/2024 at 9 am
4/22 Usability* Kardas (4/25) Forte/Gallipeaux/Sanford (4/23)


Encryption and Privacy*

Kardas (5/2) Moctezuma/Coleman/Waller (4/30)


There is no comprehensive final Final Exams

(Test 5)
Test opens 4/30/2024 at 9 am


Credit Hours: As required by federal law, CREDIT HOURS (not grades) are earned by: attending class (33%), making class presentations (33%), preparing for and taking tests (33%).

SAU advises faculty when students have become infected or are in quarantine. You may, at your discretion, advice me directly via e-mail as well. I will do all I can to allow you to complete the requirements of this course should you become ill with COVID or any other malady.

Academic Integrity:
The mission of Southern Arkansas University empowers all members of the University community to develop and encourage learning environments that create, expand, acquire, share, evaluate, and communicate knowledge. Academic integrity at SAU is an organizational and individual responsibility to honesty in all learning experiences. Students, faculty, and staff share responsibility for maintaining the highest standards for academic integrity. This policy focuses on the academic integrity in course-related work, its basis and context is applicable to all.

Any act of dishonesty in academic work constitutes academic misconduct and is subject to disciplinary action. Acts of dishonesty include, but are not limited to, plagiarism and cheating.

For detailed information on academic integrity, read page 36 of the SAU 2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog.

Disability Support Services:
It is the policy of Southern Arkansas University to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal law, state law, and the University’s commitment to equal educational opportunities. Any student with a disability who needs accommodation should inform the instructor at the beginning of the course. Students with disabilities are also encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Support Services, which is located in the Reynolds Center.

Contact Information:
Edward P. Kardas, Peace 109 (am); Nelson 200 (pm);; 870 235-4231

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