Modified: 2024-02-27 10:53 AM CST
This page will introduce you to computer science and to many areas of artificial intelligence (AI). We will cover some of these areas in more depth later in the course.
Relevant Areas of Computer Science to Cognitive Science
<!<li><a href="" title="Personal Computers">Personal Computers</a> (1974-1976)
<li>FYI, around 1981 the Psychology Dept. bought its first PC, an Apple II Plus. Its ability to display color tipped the scales to it over a Radio Shack TRS-80</li>
<li>After we bought a Mac XL, the redesigned Lisa</li>
<li>Following that we bought Macs</li>
<li>So, while SAU has always been a heavily PC campus, Macs were present in smaller numbers too</li>
Here is the receiver hitch I bought, installed (I have since painted the bumper, so it looks much nicer :-)