Interfaces are everywhere and not just on web pages and cell phones. Here, we will look at interfaces from a wide variety of viewpoints. We will also examine what makes a good or bad interface.
Modified: 2022-04-03 10:04 PM CDST
Use this page to study for Test 3.
My main watch face
My Complications
Other complications from Third Party vendors include: Spotify, PCalc, Sleep ++, Map My Walk, Motivation--Daily Quotes, and many more.
Flip phones Easyphone for Seniors (note large sized numbers, no, I don't have one, yet. But my younger brother (7 years younger) just bought one. He looked at iPhones but was put off by the facial recognition technology. The salesperson tried to sell him an older model that used fingerprint recognition, but he passed on that too.
Research in Motion's Blackberry (had tiny keyboards). FYI: I had several BlackBerrys did not really care for the tiny keyboards. These did not have touchscreens.
What cell phone stories do you have?