Below you'll get an idea of what these courses will be like in 2025
Somehow I found these lyrics apt, see what you think? (Play lyrics below for full effect)
Lyrics: substitute words as shown below and you get the idea
Welcome to the camp (course)
I guess you all know why we're here
My name is Tommy (Kardas)
And I became aware this year (of post Covid online education)
If you want to follow me (learn from me)
You've got to play pinball (read my pages)
And put in your ear plugs (ear phones)
Put on your eye shades (glasses)
You know where to put the cork (work)
Here is the whole song if you are interested Wikipedia on the entire Tommy: A Rock Opera album (1969)
Getting Down to Business
Teaching with Technology
I have taught with technology for a long time (mid 1990s)
PSYC 3303 (Cognitive Science), & PSYC 4043 (History of Psychology)
Both classes have their own web pages
I view those web pages as additions for my in-person lectures
The pages are long
Contain lots of information
Feature video and audio files
PSYC 4043History of Psychology includes a textbook (mine, FYI), PSYC 3303 (Cognitive Science) does not (see below)
Cognitive Science students use my web pages along with additional readings from the internet
ALL classes will take OPEN BOOK/OPEN NOTES tests
Tests must be turned in by the last week of class
When you take all of the tests in the course you are done
Meaning you may finish the courses early
Cognitive Science students take 5 tests (and may drop one)
History of Psychology students take 7 tests (and may drop one)
They may also write an optional paper to substitute for a test
More details on testing may be found on each course's web page
Expect the grading criteria to be more strict because of the open book/open note test format
Meaning, if you want an A the criterion will be 92% minimum
For a 50 point test that means missing FOUR or less points
In all courses, each test has the same value
There are no quizzes
There are no extra credit assignments
There is no comprehensive final exam
All grading data will be posted on BlackBoard
I will send you many e-mails from my SAU account and from BlackBoard
You must keep up with those communications
I expect you to ask me questions using e-mail
I will keep regular face-to-face office hours (see the course webpage)
I will be available onlne beginning at 8 am and unavailable after 8:00 pm during the week
You may contact me during the weekends but do not expect me to respond promptly
I expect you to:
Keep up with your work
Read your e-mail
Communicate with me promptly about problems and other issues
Shall we finish off with some Pink Floyd, The Wall (1979)?
We don't need no education (we do)
We dont need no thought control (we don't)
No dark sarcasm in the classroom (never)
Teachers leave them kids alone (do it right)
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall. (NO!)
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
We DO need some education! (Whole Video) You should watch whole video if you have not yet done so already. Not SAU's model of education!