Want success in this course? Get the book and read the chapters we will cover (see below). Open the chapter links below; they are outlines to the chapters and contain additional information. You should print those and bring them to class as I will lecture from them. When the tests open go to BlackBoard and take the tests. The tests are open book/open notes. This continues my practice from the online version of the course and requires you to FIND the answers in the material provided. Grading will be stricter because of the nature of the tests. If you want an A in the course you will need to achieve at least 92% correct scores. Each test is worth 50 points, that means you can only miss 4 points on average (46/50 = .92 x 100) = 92%. I will drop your lowest test at the end of the semester. Take your time on the tests and try to find ALL of the answers. All tests are due by Sunday, May 10, 2025 by 11:30 pm. So, you have to budget your time. I expect many of you to finish the course early. But, you must have taken ALL of your tests by the deadline.

You may write an optional paper to SUBSTITUTE for your lowest remaining test score (meaning: I will drop your lowest score and you may write a paper to REPLACE another low score. See instructions on how to write that paper below.
(* indicates module is ready for use in 2025 and compliant with federal law)
Subsequent pages will be compliant
in time for use.

Tests will be a combination of objective and short answer items. An optional paper on chapters 12, 13, or 14 may be used to substitute for one's lowest grade. Paper topics must be declared to me by 3/31 You may drop one test as well. To write a paper you must select one of those chapters, read it, and then send me 3 to 5 possible paper titles. I will look at those and suggest one you may use. After, you will send me an outline for review. You MAY send me a rough draft to edit so that your paper will be acceptable (strongly recommended). Paper length will depend on your topic and will be discussed later.

You must take all tests. There is no "final comprehensive exam." Yes, you may drop one test and you may substitute a paper for another test. You will take each exam on your individual schedules. ALL EXAMS must be completed by Thursday, May 8 by 11:30 pm (this is the last day of exams for Spring semester)

Other Resources

If you are exhibiting symptoms of Covid, RSV, Flu, or the common cold, please do not attend class.

Academic Integrity:
The mission of Southern Arkansas University empowers all members of the University community to develop and encourage learning environments that create, expand, acquire, share, evaluate, and communicate knowledge. Academic integrity at SAU is an organizational and individual responsibility to honesty in all learning experiences. Students, faculty, and staff share responsibility for maintaining the highest standards for academic integrity. This policy focuses on the academic integrity in course-related work, its basis and context is applicable to all.

Any act of dishonesty in academic work constitutes academic misconduct and is subject to disciplinary action. Acts of dishonesty include, but are not limited to, plagiarism and cheating.

For detailed information on academic integrity, read the current SAU Undergraduate Catalog.

Disability Support Services:
It is the policy of Southern Arkansas University to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal law, state law, and the University’s commitment to equal educational opportunities. Any student with a disability who needs accommodation should inform the instructor at the beginning of the course. Students with disabilities are also encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Support Services, which is located in the Reynolds Center.

Credit Hours:
As required by federal law, credit hours are earned by attending online class lessons (33%), preparing for and taking tests (33%), reading textbook and other assigned materials (23%), and taking and revising class notes (11%).

Contact Information:
Edward P. Kardas, Peace 109 (10 am to noon MWF/11 am to 12:30 pm TR); Nelson 200 (1 to 4 pm MWF/2:30 to 4:30 TR); epkardas@saumag.edu; 870 235-4231

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