Chapter 2

Psychology in Prehistory

Modified: 2023-12-27 8:32 pm CST

Please read chapter 2. Remember, this outline follows chapter 2 closely and adds material to help you learn and understand it. Please report any problems with the page by e-mailing me


Every chapter from now on will include a Zeitgeist section. Their purpose is to situate your learning about psychology into a broader context. In this chapter I want you to think of what the world would be like without all of the things we now have available to us to make life easier. Below, you'll also find an assignment that will ask you to briefly describe how you would cope one million years ago.


PREVIEW (p. 30)

Sagan's Calendar Analogy:


Basic Human Characteristics (p. 33)

Hunter-Gatherers (p. 36)

Stone Age Thinking (p. 38)

Border with Computational Science (p. 39)

Farming, Sedentism, and Domestication (p. 39)

Domestication (p. 40)

Border with Biology (p. 41)

Urbanization (p. 41)

Civilization and the Birth of History (p. 43)

The First Civilizations (p. 43)

Border with Social Science (p. 44)

Earth Mother at Selçuk, Turkey.
(Photo by Edward Kardas, December 28, 2024)

Sybilline Rock at Temple of Apollo
(Photo by Edward Kardas, December 31, 2024)

Border with Computational Science (p. 45)

The Depth of Civilization (p. 45)

The Rise of Philosophy (p. 46)

Ancient Greek Religion (p. 48)

Ancient Greek Medicine (p. 50)

Chapter 2 Changes (Kardas)


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