Chapter 1 Figures and Tables

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Modified: 2025-01-12 9:28 PM CST



Table shows Green and Martin's list of eminent psychologist
Green and Martin's 2017 List of Eminent Psychologists
Name ELO Score
1. William James 1634
2. B. F. Skinner 1633
3. Wilhelm Wundt 1595
4. Sigmund Freud 1588
5. Jean Piaget 1570
6. Charles Darwin 1540
7. Ivan Pavlov 1537
8. John B. Watson 1504
9. Albert Bandura 1495
10. Edward L. Thorndike 1486
11. Elizabeth Loftus 1471
12. Stanley Milgram 1468
13. Hermann Helmholtz 1464
14. Harry Harlow 1460
15. Robert L. Thorndike 1453
16. Abraham Maslow 1451
17. Hans Eysenck 1443
18. Charles Spearman 1441
19. Lev Vygotsky 1438
20. Solomon Asch 1434


Table 1.3 Top 20 Rankings by Gender (Bold indicates persons on both lists)
Source: Green and Martin (2017)

Rankings by Women Rankings by Women
1. B F Skinner 1. William James
2. Erik Erikson 2. Wilhelm Wundt
3. Jean Piaget 3. B.F. Skinner
4. Sigmund Freud 4. Ivan Pavlov
5. Albert Bandura 5. Charles Darwin
6. Abraham Maslow 6. John B. Watson
7. William James 7. Sigmund Freud
8. Carl Rogers 8. Jean Piaget
9. Charles Spearman 9. Edward L. Thorndike
10. Robert L. Thorndike 10. Clark Hull
11. Elizabeth F. Loftus 11. Hermann Helmholtz
12. Stanley Milgram 12. Albert Bandura
13. Alfred Adler 13. Ulric Neisser
14. Solomon Asch 14. Gustav T. Fechner
15. Wilhelm Wundt 15. G. Stanley Hall
16. Edward L. Thorndike 16. Gordon W. Allport
17. Harry F. Harlow 17. Kurt Lewin
18. Floyd H. Allport 18. Stanley Milgram
19. Ivan Pavlov 19. Harry F. Harlow
20. Hans Eysenck 20. Stanley Schachter

Table 1.4 Categories of Science

Scientific Disciplines (Modified from American Association for the Advancement of Science Membership Categories)
Physical Science Biological Sciences Social Sciences Computational Sciences
Astronomy Agriculture Anthropology Information, Computer, and Communication
Atmospheric Biology Linguistics/Language Mathematics
Chemistry Medical Psychology Statistics
Geology Neuroscience Economics  
Geography Pharmacological Geography  
Physics   Political Science  

Table 1.5
Psychology's Subdisciplines
Please see pages 19 and 20 to see definitions of subfields by APA, APS, and PsycINFO
FYI, this table is the same as Figure 1.2 above, just a different representation

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