Thomas Hobbes

Modified: 2025-01-08 12:54 PM

Grand Tour-the traditional finishing point of an English gentleman's education consisting of a lengthy (several years) guided tour of European cities conducted by a knowledgeable tutor.

Materialism-the belief that everything in the universe must consist of matter, including minds and mental states.

Relativism-the belief that no universal values exist and that instead values vary by individuals, groups, or historic era. NOTE: this has now become a current problem. Think of the removal of John C. Calhoun' portrait from Yale, the flap over the Confederate flag, and the moving of Confederate memorials in New Orleans, the US Capitol, and other public places.

Social Contract-an agreement between the governed and the government to provide security, welfare, and laws agreeable to both. (Modern examples in the USA include: WIC, Social Security, and Welfare.

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