Naturalistic Observation
Modified: 2024-12-25 5:47 AM CST
Naturalistic observation is probably the basis for all other psychological research methods.
- Scientists must first observe the world before they can formulate
- Yet, even the simple process of observing is not that
simple when it is used as a method of study.
- In principle, one can conduct naturalistic observation nearly
- There are some exceptions, however, for example, the
naturalistic observation of human sexual behavior, or the observation
of juries.
- You cannot observe a jury unless you happen to be one of
the jurors.
- So, to study sex and juries, we need other methods.
- Animals make natural subjects for naturalistic observation.
- A
good example is Schaller's work with the mountain gorilla.
- When
Schaller first started wondering about the behavior of gorillas, very
little was known about them outside of their behavior in zoos.
- So,
Schaller arranged to go to Africa to study gorillas. He soon
discovered that gorillas were hard to find.
- Slowly, and with much
effort, he began to see signs of their presence.
- He began to see
where they had been eating and sleeping a few nights before.
- Then he
was closer; their beds were hours old.
- One day, while sitting in a
clearing, a group emerged all around him.
- From then on, he was able
to watch them closely.
- He gradually discovered a great deal about
gorilla behavior, including the fact they did not like cameras
pointed at them.
- Other investigators followed Schaller after his
pioneering work, including Diane Fossey.
- Humans also make good subjects for naturalistic observation.
- The
behavior of second graders makes a good example.
- The answer to
questions about what second graders are like can be found by
naturalistic observation.
- To observe them, a scientist would arrange
to go to a second-grade classroom.
- Some schools are set up with
one-way mirrors or cameras, so in those cases, observation would be fairly easy.
- Most schools are not set up that way, so the second graders would
know that they were being observed.
- That would, quite naturally,
change their behavior, at least for awhile.
- It might take a week or
two of observation before the second graders settled down and
reverted to their usual behavior. Then, naturalistic observation
could start.
- Naturalistic observation is probably the best method around for
the process of formulating new hypotheses.
- By becoming intimately
familiar with subjects and their behavior, one can start to make
hypotheses about them and their behavior.
- Those hypotheses can then
be tested by other methods.
- We will cover those other methods soon.
- So, the notion that naturalistic observation is a good first step in
science derives from its utility in formulating hypotheses.
- There are problems with the use of this method.
- The main one is
the issue of bias.
- Researchers are always going to bring preconceived
ideas to a naturalistic-observation episode.
- Then, unwittingly, those
preconceptions will shape the observations themselves.
- For example,
you may think that second-grade boys are more vocal than girls.
- So,
you may pay more attention when you hear boys talking and shouting,
but less when you hear girls doing the same.
- How can you deal with
this problem?
- One way to deal with the problem of bias is to have multiple
- If you are the only observer who consistently observes some
behavior, then, maybe you are adding it to the situation, or, maybe
the others just cannot see it.
- However, now you and the other
observers could look for it more closely.
- Think of Olympic boxing matches. Three judges must decide whether a punch landed. If only one judge says a punch landed but the other two disagree, then the judges agree the punch did not land.
- Another way to deal with
bias is to record the situation.
- Then, it can be
analyzed repeatedly.
- Still another way is to have naive observers.
- You train observers, but you do not tell them why they are observing (you do not reveal your hypothesis).
- Then, those observers will be less likely to see the situation in the
light of the hypothesis.
- Another problem is reactivity.
- Imagine what would happen right after you sat down in that second grade classroom.
- The students would not behave as they did before you entered.
- But, after a few days or weeks you would become part of the 'woodwork' of the classroom and the students would revert to their usual behavior.
- Your naturalistic observations could begin then.
- Note, that classrooms equipped with one-way mirrors or cameras would not have the problem of reactivity.
- So, naturalistic observation is a good first step in research; it
is good for formulating hypotheses, but care needs to be used to
control for bias and reactivity.
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