Chapter 2 Lecture

Modified: 2023-08-31 1:43 PM CDST

Nervous transmission is an electrochemical process. Chapter 2 concentrates on the activity of the synapse.



The Concept of the Synapse

The Properties of Synapses (p.42)

The Relationship Among Sensory, Motor, and Intrinsic Neurons (p.42)

Notice that the sensory neurons ENTER the spinal cord on the dorsal (back) side and that the motor neurons EXIT the spinal cord on the ventral (stomach) side.

Three Important Points About Reflexes

Difference in the Speed of Conduction

Sherrington’s Evidence for Synaptic Delay

Recordings From a Postsynaptic Neuron During Synaptic Activation (p. 44)

Notice the All-or-None activity at 3 and 4 above. Also notice the IPSP at 5 (see below for more about IPSPs)

Temporal and Spatial Summation (p. 44)

Notice the temporal summation at upper left and the spatial at bottom. The postsynaptic neuron analyzes those inputs and then produces an EPSP to the next neuron (on the right). Below, we'll look at a neuron receiving EPSPs and IPSPs simultaneously.

The Effects of Summation (p. 45)

Here's another "but wait, there's more" moment: look at the order of the summations above. When the EPSPs arrive as on the left, more depolarization takes place.

Inhibitory Synapses

Sherrington noticed that during the reflex that occurred, the leg of a dog that was pinched retracted while the other three legs were extended

Suggested that an interneuron in the spinal cord sent an excitatory message to the flexor muscles of one leg and an inhibitory message was sent to the other three legs

Antagonistic Muscles (p. 45)

Muscles are paired (flexors and extensors). Here, notice the global response to the right paw's contraction of the flexors (the remaining three paws extensors contract).

Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential (IPSP)

A Possible Wiring Diagram for Synapses (p.47)

In the diagram above EPSPs are in green and IPSPs are in red. In this case transmission will occur at the dentrite. Notice that any given neuron will respond or not depending on the input it receives. Dennett labels this as "armies of idiots" meaning that our complex behavior is the result of billions of neurons firing or not firing in a complicated manner.

Click here for a summary of action WITHIN neurons and here for a summary of action BETWEEN neurons

The Discovery of Chemical Transmission at Synapses

German physiologist Otto Loewi

The first to convincingly demonstrate that communication across the synapse occurs via chemical means

Neurotransmitters: chemicals that travel across the synapse and allow communication between neurons

Chemical transmission predominates throughout the nervous system

Module 2.2 Chemical Events at the Synapse (p. 50)

Nerves Send Messages by
Releasing Chemicals

Some Major Events in Transmission at a Synapse (p. 51)

Types of Neurotransmitters (p. 52)

Amino acids

Glutamate, GABA, glycine, asparate, maybe others

A modified amino acid


Monoamines (also modified from amino acids)

indoleamines: serotonin

Catecholamines: dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine

Neuropeptides (chains of amino acids)

Endorphins, substance P, neuropeptide Y, many others


ATP, adenosine, maybe others


NO (nitric oxide), maybe others


Table 2.1 Neurotransmitters (p. 52)

Pathways in the Synthesis of Transmitters (p. 53)

Anatomy of a Synapse (p. 53)

a) mouse synapse (electron micrograph), b) axon terminals at soma (electron micrograph)

The Acetylcholine Receptor (p. 54)

a) at rest, b) attached to receptor

Sequence of Events at a Metabotropic Synapse (p. 55)



Distinctive Features of Neuropeptides (p. 56)



Place synthesized

Cell body

Presynaptic terminal

Place released

Mostly from dendrites, also cell body and sides of axon

Axon terminal

Released by

Repeated depolarization

Single action potential

Effect on neighboring cells

They release the neuropeptide too

No effect on neighbors

Spread of effects

Diffuse to wide area

Effect mostly on receptors of the adjacent postsynaptic cell

Duration of



Milliseconds to


Drugs That Act by Binding to Receptors (p. 56)

Opiate Drugs and Endorphins (p. 56)

Effects of Some Drugs at Dopamine Synapses (p. 58)

A Gap Junction for an Electrical Synapse (p. 59)

Location of Some Major Endocrine Glands (p. 60)

A Selective List of Hormones (p. 60)



Hormone Functions (Partial)


Various releasing hormone

Promote/inhibit release of hormones from pituitary

Anterior pituitary

Thyroid-stimulating hormone

Luteinizing hormone

Follicle-stimulating hormone



Growth hormone

Stimulates thyroid gland

Stimulates ovulation

Promotes ovum maturation (female), sperm production (male)

Increases Steroid hormone production by adrenal gland

Increases milk production

Increases body growth

Posterior pituitary



Uterine contractions, milk release, sexual pleasure

Raises blood pressure, decreases urine volume



Sleepiness; also role in puberty

Adrenal cortex



Reduces release of salt in the urine

Elevated blood sugar and metabolism

Adrenal medulla

Epinephrine, norepinephrine

Similar to actions of sympathetic nervous system




Helps glucose enter cells

Helps convert stored fats into blood glucose


Estrogens and progesterone

Female sexual characteristics and pregnancy



Male sexual characteristics and pubic hair



Regulates blood pressure, contributes to hypovolemic thirst

Fat cells


Decreases appetite


Location of the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland in the Human Brain (p. 61)

Pituitary Hormones (p. 61)

Negative Feedback in the Control of Thyroid Hormones (p. 61)


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