Chapter 1 Lecture Nerve Cells and Impulses

Modified: 2023-08-31 1:19 PM CDST

We will start from the bottom of the nervous system, that is we'll start by looking at neurons and other building blocks of the system. This chapter covers one part of the puzzle, the part INSIDE the neuron. The next chapter will cover what happens BETWEEN neurons.


Neurons and Glia

The Structures of an Animal Cell

Like other cells in the body, neurons contain the following structures and have their own distinctive shape: (p. 20, neurons stained to appear dark)

Motor and Sensory Neurons (p. 20)

A Vertebrate Motor Neuron

A Vertebrate Sensory Neuron (we'll discuss Sensation and Perception later in the course.

Components of All Neurons

Afferent, Efferent, and Intrinsic

Variations Among Neurons

The Diverse Shape of Neurons

a) Purkinje cell (only found in cerebellum), b) sensory neurons from skin to spinal cord, c) pyramidal cell of motor area of the cerebral cortex, d) bipolar cell of retina of the eye, e) Kenyon cell from a honeybee (p. 22)

Types of Glia

(When embryonic development finishes, most radial glia differentiate into neurons and a smaller number differentiate into astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.)

Shapes of Various Glia Cells (see page 23 for caption)

The Blood-Brain Barrier

How the Blood-Brain Barrier Works (see p. 24 for caption)

Nourishment of Vertebrate Neurons


The Nerve Impulse

The Resting Potential of the Neuron

The Membrane of a Neuron

Ion Channels in the Membrane of a Neuron (p. 29)

Ion Channels

Electrical and Concentration Gradients

Sodium and Potassium Gradients for a Resting Membrane (p. 30)

The Action Potential


Video of Action Potential

Analogy: A string of firecrackers is a good analogy for the action potential. From a distance, the explosions look continuous, but in reality the explosions are a series of discrete events.

Voltage-Activated Channels

Membrane channels whose permeability depends upon the voltage difference across the membrane

Sodium and potassium channels

When sodium channels are opened, positively charged sodium ions rush in and a subsequent nerve impulse occurs

The Movement of Sodium and Potassium Ions During an Action Potential (p. 33) (imagine a series of these traveling down the axon, one after the other)

The Movement of Sodium and Potassium

Restoring the Sodium-Potassium Pump

Blocking Sodium Channels

The All-or-None Law

Refractory Periods

In physiology, refractory means not responding

After an action potential, a neuron has a refractory period during which time the neuron resists the production of another action potential

Propagation of an Action Potential

In a motor neuron, the action potential begins at the axon hillock (a swelling where the axon exits the soma)

Propagation of the action potential: the transmission of the action potential down the axon

The action potential does not directly travel down the axon

The Myelin Sheath

An Axon Surrounded by a Myelin Sheath (p. 35)

Saltatory Conduction

Saltatory Conduction in a Myelinated Axon (p. 35) (short video)

Local Neurons


Only 10 percent of neurons are active at any given moment


You use all of your brain, even at times when you might not be using it very well

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