Honors and Extramural Education

Modified: 2015-09-01 (4:10 pm CDST)

The NCHC recommends that honors education should include "opportunities for students to participate in regional and national conferences, Honors Semesters, international programs, community service, internships, undergraduate research, and other types of experiential education." Let's examine these types of experiences.

Regional and National Conferences

Honors Semesters

International Programs and SAU

Community Service and Honors


I was once told, "there are two types of students, those that go on internships and those who wish they had." How true.

Undergraduate Research

Research and other scholarly activity are necessary components of the academic experience. Honors students, especially, will have chances to closely interact with faculty as they engage in such activity.

Other Types

Can you think about other ways to extend your education outside of classroom walls?

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