Module 2: Prenatal Development, Birth, Infancy, & Toddlerhood

Modified: 2024-04-28 2:34 PM CSST

Most developmental change takes place early in life. In utero, the main changes are diffentiation and growth. Following birth infants grow rapidly and begin to interact with their caretakers and the world. Toddlers, being mobile, their crawling and walking makes them young explorers of their environment. They begin to learn their places in the world. This module opens on June 3 and closes on June 9 at 11:59 PM

Required Readings & Media Assignments
Reading 1:Chapter 2: Heredity, Prenatal Development, and Birth (pp. 35-65) (MO a, b & e) 1. Critical Thinking Question: Midwife Experience (MO b)

Reading 2: Chapter 3: Infancy and Toddlerhood (pp. 72-106) (MO c & d)

2. Critical Thinking Question: Maternal Mortality (MO b)
Reading 3: 9.85 Cognition in Infancy and Early Toddlerhood: MORAL REASONING (MO c & d) 3. Critical Thinking Question: "Miracle of Life (MO a)
Lecture 1: Prenatal Development (MO a) 4. Short Paper: Attachment (MO c, d & e)

Lecture 2: Infancy and Toddlerhood (MO c)

Video 1: Are Infants Little Scientists? (MO c)  

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